2nd Annual Meditation and Poetry class:
Receiving Inspiration from Evocative and Beautiful Words
On Thursdays, January 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th, we will offer four weekly, 75 minutes meetings, via Zoom.
Before each meeting, I will send a poem, with encouragement to “live into it”. This means perhaps carrying it with you on a piece of paper and/or in your heart, saying it to yourself numerous times each day.
Perhaps one line, image, word, or the whole poem will speak to you. You might be inspired to learn it by heart.
Embodied Meditation is a simple, direct way of deepening into your experience of Being Alive and resting in your “original home”. Poems can often help us to sense this invitation. We will practice sitting and breathing with the poem. I will guide you in this practice.
Class Form
When we gather, I will recite the poem, with my commentary, followed by a meditation of 20 – 25 minutes. This will lead into a group sharing – a collective meditation practice of deep listening and speaking from our hearts.
I hope you will join us for this inspiring individual and collective journey.
Sending Blessings……..Russell
Registrations will open soon. To hold your spot please contact the office.